I help people build new, exciting, purposeful careers by unlocking their talents and passions

Welcome to Unlock
Your Legend

"Stop being a prisoner of your past. Instead, become the architect of your future"
Robin Sharma

My career change services
About Me

Discover what you truly love to do and then direct all your energy towards doing it

Hi, I'm Rob Peacock,  a development expert and licensed strengths coach who has spent the last 14 years working in personal and professional development at some of the largest businesses in the UK.

I started Unlock Your Legend because I believe that everyone has a right to love their job and yet so few people actually do.

My purpose in life is to help people create their best lives through inspired vision and empowered action.

I do this by helping people unlock their natural resources (talents, passions and relationships) to find true, authentic meaning and purpose in work and in life.

I help people through career mentoring, career coaching and my inspiring virtual workshops. Every person I work with leaves with an inspiring vision, clear goals with milestones and an immediate "one step to better".


More about me
Never a truer word spoken about both work and life in general.  I saw this sign at a Thai Festival held annually in Poole, Dorset, UK

“It is the possibility of having your dreams come true that makes life interesting”

So said Paolo Coelho in his inspirational masterpiece, The Alchemist.

I believe in the power of dreaming.

We all have dreams, but they are often stored somewhere deep within us, locked away underneath the daily realities of conflicting priorities, long to-do lists and family and financial responsibilities that keep us feeling busy, stressed out and totally disconnected from the person that we could be.

But the dreams are still there. However deep they are buried, however far away they seem, they are sat there, right now as you are reading this, just waiting for you to pause, reflect and reconnect with them.  And then take action. 

I started Unlock Your Legend because I believe everyone has the right to love their job.   And I want to help as many people as I can find work they will love.

My mission is to help you build a new, exciting, purposeful career based on your talent and passions that helps you to experience more joy, freedom and abundance in your life.   

Career change services


" I can't thank you enough again for working with me. I've got a new sense of purpose and drive that I've been lacking for a long time"

Vicki O'R
Copy writer

More testimonials

Career mentoring:
Work with me to unleash your potential and create a career you will love

"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life" Robin Sharma."

What is career mentoring?

Career mentoring is a supportive relationship whereby the mentor supports, inspires and guides the mentee to achieve established career goals. 

It's like having a trusted advisor who's been there, done that, and can offer valuable insights, great advice and  a dash of inspiration to help you set and achieve exciting career goals. 

My Career Builder mentoring scheme involves tailored 121 coaching to help you identify what you want to achieve and set a really inspiring vision for your future.  I then provide  skilled mentoring and regular contact points to keep you on track and advise, coach and support you through what shows up along the way.

Who is career mentoring for?

Anyone who wants to make positive changes to their career.

It doesn't matter what experience you have, how old or young you are, how many times you've tried and failed or whether you know what it is you want to do or be.

All that matters is that you show up with a positive mindset, ready to be connected to your inner dreams and ready to do what it takes to make one step to better. 

"This is where the magic happens — when you link desire and inspiration to purposeful, focused action, miracles unfold".
Hiro Boga


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